As I posted on FB, the last couple years have been challenging for everyone. One of the challenging things I learned about myself from politicians in 2020 is I am considered non-essential – who knew? ! LOL
As I’m sure you all know, entertainment was all but shut down for quite some time. I personally wasn’t able to work for roughly 1 1/2 years. After the first year, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be able to do shows again. Consequently, I deleted most of my social media and lost my website (I continued to own the domain name).
In Sept 2021, I started booking a few shows, and over the next couple months I started feeling a bit more optimistic about the future.
In Feb 2022 it became clear that I was going to rebuild my website and become active on social media again. Being active on social media is easy enough and something I enjoy. Building a website is a completely different animal. Lacking any technical knowledge, background and ability, I still decided to give it a go. A lot of people have been very helpful and offered me advice as well as a lot of help. This is still far from completed (definitely a work in progress), but there is enough to publish it. This site went live on March 7th and it’s great feeling like every step is one step closer to life getting back to normal.
I hope to be traveling and doing shows full time this year and hope to see y’all at a show